We come across many interesting tidbits in our life but most of us pay very little attention to these. Quirky information is good to keep track of : After all, conversations that start with "What do you do?" usually don't get far. But lesser known facts are also a field of study in their own right. Quizzing is what it's called.
Quizzing is a great way to relax. So, in order to cope with the pressure of eleventh grade life, four of us got together and started the Supernova Quiz Circle on the 1st of November 2011. At the end of one month, we have eleven members who contribute a few questions everyday and keep this circle running.
A good thing can't be kept down for long. That's the reason we decided to go online to show the world what a great thing quizzing is. We'll keep posting some questions every week but good questions from readers will also be posted. So keep quizzing and "Ask Good".